Mongolian Businessmen Visit Shandong Lianhai Holding Group Co., LTD

2024-06-12 16:41:31 来源: 新莱芜 作者: 周扬亮


  Recently,FourMongolian businessmen to Lianhai Holdings to visit the exchange, has visited the Sunshine logistics Park, Guixiang new materials, Lianyun building materials, Lianyun cement, Jinan Snow Mountain and other projects. Subsequently, merchants and Lianhai holding held a symposium, Lianhai Holding with excellent team, exquisite technology and high-quality products, won the favor and praise of Mongolianbusinessmen, the two sides reached an intention to further cooperation.


  "Through this inspection, the company has built a platform for friendly cooperation with overseas customers." Enterprise director Wu Yue said.


