
2024-08-10 10:05:12 来源: 大众网 作者: 杨晓

  七夕已至,山东省济南市的一对跨国夫妻向彼此深情地表达了爱意。今年的七夕节恰逢周六,这是意大利厨师Thomas和妻子Elisa Wang的第五个七夕节。相爱可抵万难。Thomas和妻子Elisa Wang五年前在意大利相识并喜结连理,如今在山东济南过着幸福的生活,相处十分融洽。Thomas说,这也得益于两国近60年来的友好关系,让一个意大利男孩能够和一个中国女孩相遇、相知并相爱。让我们一起听听他们甜甜的爱情故事!

  The Qixi Festival, or Chinese Valentine’s Day has arrived. A Chinese-Italian couple in Jinan City of China’s Shandong Province expressed their love for each other. This year’s Qixi Festival falls on Saturday and it’s been the fifth consecutive year that Italian chef Thomas and his wife Elisa Wang to celebrate the festival. Love conquers all. Thomas and his wife Elisa Wang have been leading a happy life since they tied the knot in Italy 5 years ago and they have blended very well. Thomas said that thanks to the existing friendship between the two countries that has been in place for the past six decades. It has provided a chance for an Italian boy and a Chinese girl to meet and fall in love with each other. Let’s hear about their sweet love story!





