What’s On丨带你打卡胖里胖气的趵突泉锦鲤

2022-08-25 11:24:53 来源: 大众网 作者: 杨晓

  Z世代眼中的山东人厚道不古板,淳朴非无趣。探访齐鲁大地,发现身边的烟火气,在《What’s on》栏目中,萌新主播带你双语体验和谐山东正能量,了解动感山东新鲜事,感受不一般的好客山东!

  Hi, welcome to What’s On!

  Recently, continuous rainfall has effectively replenished the groundwater of Jinan. And the water level of Baotu Spring has risen greatly as well. You can see the three spring mouths behind me, the water is surging, which is the stunning view of "clear water turbulently gushing from the spring". According to a legend, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty canonized Baotu Spring as "the best spring in the world" because it makes the finest fresh and sweet tea.



  Check this out! Our internet celebrity: the cute chubby fish in Baotu Spring! I’ve seen many people jokingly commented that it was their first time to see a fish chubby like this, and they said that swimming does little help to weight loss. All year round, they live in springs with a constant temperature of 18℃, and they are surrounded by these beautiful trees and flowers. Such an enviable working environment! In Asian cultures, koi fish are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to people’s lives, so they’re loved by almost everybody. Here I remind you guys, feed them rationally if you will and especially avoid oily food, which may cause water pollution.

  快看!这就是咱的趵突泉网红“鱼墩墩”!不少网友戏言:“第一次见‘鱼墩墩’”、“事实证明,游泳并不能减肥”!它们常年身处恒温18℃ 的泉水中,四处绿树红花,“上班”环境着实令人羡慕!在亚洲文化里,锦鲤被认为会给人们的生活带来好运和繁荣。虽然大家都爱锦鲤,但Donna提醒大家一定要理性投喂,尤其不要投喂有油的食物,以免引发水体污染。

  The Crescent Spring has the highest water level among the 72 springs in Jinan. When the water level of its neighbor Baotu Spring exceeds 29 meters, it will start to work and show us the beauty of "crescent moon waterfall".


  Thanks for watching! Did you find the fish really cute? Have a good one!








